670 Yonkers Avenue
Yonkers, NY 10704
"A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and on her head, a crown of 12 stars." - Revelation 12:1
The Rosary Altar Society is an international Society of the Roman Catholic Church under the spiritual patronage of the Dominican Order. Established in many parishes in countries all over the world, the Society promotes devotion to Our Blessed Mother and encourages the daily recitation of the rosary. The women of the society sponsor both social and religious activities within a parish and work with other groups in the parish to improve the community in which the parish is located.
The Rosary Altar Society at St. John the Baptist is open to all the women of the parish. They gather once a month to celebrate Sunday Mass together and pray for the members of the society, living and dead. They also hold monthly meetings where they plan social activities and identify specific community needs which will be the focus of their activity throughout the year. The RAS sponsors a Blood Drive in the parish twice a year; assists at a local children's hospital; and organizes a parish wide effort to send Christmas gifts to American troops based overseas. In the parish they sponsor a very successful annual Card Party; an Afternoon Tea in the spring which invites young girls to gather with older women; and a very popular Christmas Party.
Once a year they join with the Holy Name Society on coming to a Sunday Mass followed by a Communion Breakfast at which a noted Catholic is invited to speak.
There are currently over 200 members of St. John’s RAS.